Burning & Itching
The most obvious signs of yeast infection are typical. Most women report feeling a burning or itching feeling in their vaginal area. The itching typically is on the vulva, which is the outer portion of the vagina. The sensation will not be present constantly but can get incredibly uncomfortable, which is why many women seek treatment for the itching. This burning or itching sensation may be an indication of other vaginal problems and not signs of yeast infection.
Abnormal Discharge
Another major sign of a yeast infection is an abnormal discharge from the vagina. Women’s bodies excrete mucus and other substances throughout the month - depending on their menstrual cycles. A discharge from a yeast infection, however, will be present on most days. For some women, the discharge may be slightly tinged white, but for others it is a darker color and may even have small clumps in it - like cottage cheese.
The actual consistency of the discharge will vary with the woman and even can be different from one infection to the next. Some women may experience a more watery discharge, but the most common consistency is similar to cottage cheese. Any changes in the discharge should be noted before seeing a doctor.
The important point to note is whether the discharge has any abnormal odor. Though some very sensitive women report an odor, discharge from a yeast infection should not cause any noticeable odor. If an odor is present, the problem may not be a sign of a yeast infection and may instead be another type of infection.
Redness And Swollen Vagina
Women who want to examine their vaginas for signs of possible problems can discover some of the lesser-known signs of yeast infection. The vulva, or other areas that may be itching, will be red and possibly swollen if you have a yeast infection. This change is more readily apparent if you are familiar with how your vagina normally looks. Even if you are not, however, you typically will be able to see abnormal redness. The redness comes from an inflammation of the vulva or the skin around the vagina, which causes the itching. Some women have more serious infections, and for them the signs of yeast infection are a bit worse.
Painful Intercourse
Additionally, women can experience pain during intercourse if they allow a yeast infection to go untreated. Some women also report pain during urination. Since any of these symptoms also could be the sign of a sexually transmitted disease, it is important to see a healthcare provider if these more serious symptoms occur.
Understanding What Causes The Signs Of Yeast Infection
While it is important to understanding the signs of yeast infection, this may be only half the battle. It may be equally as important to also understand the causes. As mentioned earlier, a healthy vagina has a benign amount of yeast cells growing in it. However, occasionally something goes wrong that allows the Candida cells to become out of balance in the vagina. When a woman has too much Candida cells in her vagina, this is known as a yeast infection. A number of factors can lead to the signs of a yeast infection including:
- Lowered immunity
- The Use of antibiotics
- Birth Control Pills
- Poor Diet
- HIV infection
- Pregnancy
- Diabetes
- Tampons or perfumed douches
Getting Treatment for The Signs Of Yeast Infection
Whatever the causes of your yeast infection may be, it's important that you get treatment as early as possible. Typically, yeast infections are treated by doctors with creams or suppositories such as Femstat 3, Monistat 7, Vagistat and other anti-fungal medications. However, you may also want to keep in mind that there are a number of nutritional supplements and home cures for treating the signs of yeast.