Candida Yeast Diet 2: Foods to Eliminate (Save for Reference for Diet 3):
Same as Candida Yeast Diet No.1 – Plus:
- Wheat, oats, rye and barley, which contain gluten and can feed Candida.
- Fruit and diluted fruit juices, high in fructose (fruit sugar).
Same as Candida Yeast Diet No.1, except for some whole grains:
- Brown rice, millet, buckwheat, cornmeal
- Herb teas and spices, which may contain molds
Same as Candida Yeast Diet No.1
Candida Yeast Diet 2: Supplements You Should Take
Take the following for one month after symptoms stop.
- Yeast-free multi-vitamin/mineral
- 1000 milligrams vitamin C, four times a day
- Lactobacilus acidophilus in large quantities (Ultradophilus, Maxidophilus, Superdophilus, and so on, with approx. 2 billion organisms per gram) to help repopulate the intestines. Take 1/2 teaspoon morning and evening on an empty stomach.
- 2 teaspoons olive oil with 2 teaspoons oat bran, three times a day, to help keep fungus from crossing the intestinal barrier.
- 100 micrograms selenium for immune system support.
- 400 iu dry vitamin E for immune system support.
- 20,000 iu beta carotene for immune system support.
- Digestive enzymes, with pancreatin, after meals and before bed, to help digest the food you eat as well as undigested food particles in the bloodstream.
- Candex to improve immune response and eliminate the fungus.