If your symptoms did not clear up with Candida Yeast Diet No. 2, advance to this one until they diminish.
Candida Yeast Diet 3: Foods to Eliminate
Same as Candida Yeast Diet No. 2 + Plus:
- Dried meat and smoked meat, fish of poultry, including sausage, hot dogs, luncheon meats, smoked turkey, and smoked salmon.
- Nuts and seeds, which may contain mold.
- All grains, except a little rice and millet.
- Herb teas and spices.
- Yeast-free multi-vitamin/mineral.
- Digestive enzymes with pancreatin after meals and before bed.
- 1000 milligrams vitamin C an hour (up to 10 grams/day) for immune system.
- Acidophilus in large quantities (some brands, Ultradophilus, Maxidophilus, and so on have approx. 2 billion organisms per gram) to repopulate the intestinal bacteria. Take 1/2 teaspoon morning and evening on an empty stomach.
- 2 Teaspoons olive oil with 2 teaspoons oat bran, three times a day, to help keep fungus from crossing the intestinal barrier.
- 100 micrograms selenium three times a day, for immune system.
- 400 iu dry vitamin E two times a day for immune system.
- 20,000 iu beta carotene, for immune system
- Pau D'Arco tea (taheebo tea), an herb tea from South America, which kills fungus, one cup three times a day.
- Candex to improve immune response and eliminate the fungus.
- Nystatin in powder form, available by medical prescription.
It may be necessary for you to stay on the Candida Yeast Diet for a number of months.
Doctors report a year or more is not unusual, but Fuchs has found by combining supplements with diet, it is often possible to go back to the Anti-Illness Diet more quickly.
The more thoroughly you are able to stay on these diets, the faster you can eliminate excess Candida. However, it is better to be on a modified diet than on no diet at all.